About IWMC

What we do

IWMC World Conservation Trust is an independent NGO dedicated to Integrating Wildlife, Markets and Conservation (IWMC). Within UN bodies and international fora, especially the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and International Whaling Commission (IWC), IWMC is one of the few not-for-profit NGOs that promote wildlife conservation for the benefit of humanity.

Who we are

Integrating Wildlife, Markets and Conservation (IWMC) coheres a network of conservationists, consumer- range- and producer-groups and nations from around the world. IWMC’s diverse network engages in discussion with governments, regulators, trade bodies, firms, academia, NGOs, IGOs, the media and the public. We value experience and expertise, passion, professionalism and debate.

Our mission

Conservation is not about living in harmony with nature, it is about putting people first and managing natural resources responsibly for the benefit of humanity.

Integrating Wildlife, Markets and Conservation believes that wildlife species should be conserved, ideally through integrating use and protection from the outset. Or at second best we should use protective measures designed to produce the abundance which will in time allow Wise Use.

Our aims are to:

Develop conservation measures that support the sustainable use of wildlife species on land and water.

Ensure that conservation mechanisms and the wildlife trade protect and respect the livelihoods, lifestyles and rights of rural, aboriginal, coastal communities and all other groups or individuals who consume or interact with wild species and their derivatives.

Protect the sovereign rights of independent states in their conservation efforts. And their right to seek national benefit from national wildlife assets.

Our history

IWMC World Conservation Trust (Integrating Wildlife, Markets and Conservation: IWMC) was founded in 1994 by Eugene Lapointe, Secretary-General of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species from 1982 to 1990 (see Lapointe’s UN Joint Appeals Board case). Since then, IWMC has fought the corner of the sustainable use movement in defence of the right of communities and nations to use wildlife consumptively for profit, fun, survival or as part of their traditional lifestyle and culture.


Eight-strong Board headed by Eugene Lapointe, Secretary-General of CITES (1982 – 1990). Executive Vice President Jaques Berney was CITES’ first Secretary-General, as well as deputy to several Secretary-General. The Board oversees a modest operational budget provided by producers and trade associations, and some official development assistance agencies. Most of IWMC’s work is carried out for free by a global network of committed experts or by supportive professional service providers charging reduced fees.

IWMC Board of Directors

Eugène Lapointe – Canada 
IWMC President

See Lapointe’s UN Joint Appeals Board case

James Beers – United States
Vice-President for the USA

Jaques Berney – Switzerland
Executive Vice-President

Yoshio Kaneko – Japan
1st Vice President

Russell Hudson – United States
Vice-President – Marine Fish Species, especially Sharks

Yvan Lafleur – Canada
Vice-President for Canada

Mathen Mathew-India
Vice-President for Asian Affairs

Guillermo Adrian Puccio – Argentina
Vice-President for South America