Media center

Media Centre

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors on this web site do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the IWMC World Conservation Trust or official policies of the IWMC.
Media Centre

The WHO Pandemic Instrument

On 22 April 2024, the World Health Assembly circulated an updated draft that will be discussed on 29 April. The draft can be accessed here.


Hands off all sharks?

At CITES’ CoP-18 the assembled NGOs made sharks their iconic species of choice, knocking elephants off their number one spot. The question is, why did

Fisheries overview

Reflections on the UN’s World Oceans Day

Today (June 8, 2021) is United Nations World Oceans Day. This year’s official theme ‘The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods’ is most welcome. IWMC campaigns everyday of


The Dawn of the New Whaling

Towards the Sustainable Use of Aquatic Living Resources Prologue On 1 July 2019, five small-type whaling vessels left the port of Kushiro and one factory-ship

Media Centre


Report on the Transplantation Project of Precious Corals in Japan SUMMARY In response to growing evidence of the effects of climate change and to address


Refuting seal propaganda

By Jim Winter. DEAR ELLEN, It saddens me to see that you have bought into the vicious propaganda of the animal rights corporations and have

Ivory: moral versus legal

View PDF: The graphic in this PDF illustrates a contradiction. Illegality is a menace. Nobody but criminals supports illegal ivory traffickers. On the other hand,

Termites Extinct in the Wild

Let say your family has a wonderful old farm home, complete with clapboard siding and beautiful heart pine floors laid on hand cut oak timbers.

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