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Media Centre

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors on this web site do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the IWMC World Conservation Trust or official policies of the IWMC.
Media Centre

The WHO Pandemic Instrument

On 22 April 2024, the World Health Assembly circulated an updated draft that will be discussed on 29 April. The draft can be accessed here.

Media Centre

Remarks on wildlife politics

AT UNIVERSITIES IN SOUTH AFRICA  MAY 2018  Thank you so much for giving me the privilege of your time. Having taught at the University of


New rhino conservation approach

By Emmanuel Koro. Originally published in The Herald. Against a background where it has been losing approximately 3 394 rhinos annually to poaching, with one

FOREWORD by Dr Peter Oberem – President of Wildlife Ranching South Africa (WRSA) “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it,”


By Michael EUSTACE I am writing this on the banks of the Bua River in Malawi. There were Black Rhino here in the 1960s. The


Rah-rah for rhino reserves!

By Tanya Jacobsen. Originally published on Rhinos throughout South Africa are being brutally killed for their horns. In this article, I would like to

Fisheries are choking on good(?) intentions

Author Nils Stolpe/FishNet USA Choking On Good Intentions In multispecies fisheries, regulators must distinguish between stocks that are truly threatened or endangered and those that

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