Let say your family has a wonderful old farm home, complete with clapboard siding and beautiful heart pine floors laid on hand cut oak timbers. A house you have lived in since your childhood. US Fish and Termite Service appears one day and releases termites into your house, because your house is the perfect habitat for this previously “extinct in the wild, nonessential-experimental” termite that was recreated by US Fish and Termite Service biologists. US Fish and Termite Service buildings are modern concrete and steel buildings and simply will not support these experimental termites. You, of course, demand the termites to be removed as US Fish and Termite Service had no legal authority to release termites into your family’s house.
Much to your dismay, you are told “NO”, because the SETC (Southern Environmental Termite Center), DOT (Defenders of Termites) and the RTC (Red Termite Coalition) may sue the US Fish and Termite Service. To make matters worse, you demand to speak to the Director of US Fish and Termite Service, however your requests are ignored as your house is being destroyed. Instead, the Director sets up a special meeting of US Fish and Termite Service, Southern Environmental Termite Center, Defenders Of Termites, and the Red Termite Coalition to discuss this nonessential, experimental termite program occurring in YOUR house.
That’s right, YOUR HOUSE – USFTS TERMITES; but the Director meets with the termite lawyers and the special interest groups who make a living off of suing US Fish and Termite Service. Now, I ask you, who is the only true stakeholder in this scenario and who was not invited to the meeting?